Pressotherapy is an aesthetic medicine treatment that uses air pressure, as a massage, activating the lymphatic system in order to improve circulation throughout the body.
Pressotherapy is an aesthetic medicine treatment that uses air pressure, as a massage, activating the lymphatic system in order to improve circulation throughout the body. The lymphatic system is responsible for cleaning and defending the body, eliminating toxins, intestinal content and fats, and fighting germs, infections and toxic substances.
It is a very comfortable and natural treatment, with more and more followers, due to its simplicity, effectiveness and cost.
The pressotherapy machine consists of a wrap or cover where the patient is put (or a specific area to be treated, such as legs, buttocks or abdomen) and an air compressor system that controls the air pressure. This cover, thanks to the circulation and air pressure applied in a controlled and personalized way for each patient and on each part of the body to be treated, exerts an alternating compression and relaxation effect that activates the lymphatic system, as a massage.
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