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I-Tech Osteomat 2000 Magnet Therapy Mat

Brand: I-Tech

Reference: F2256

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Mattress for low-frequency magnetic therapy treatments that is indicated for long-term therapies and for treatments of the whole body.


More information

Osteomat 2000

The effects of magnetotherapy are equivalent to analgesic effects, reduction of inflammation and stimulation of the reabsorption of edema among other things.

Therefore, magnetotherapy helps to restore the balance of physical conditions and the regeneration of damaged cell structures such as fracture repair and to delay the reduction of bone density caused by osteoporosis, among many other pathologies. Osteoporosis is a growing social phenomenon and requires treatment of the entire skeletal architecture. With respect to this purpose, the mattress allows for total body treatment.

Pulsed magnetic fields promote ion exchange between the two sides of cell membranes. These actions help to restore the correct transmembrane potential which is very important for cellular nutrition.

The new OSTEOMAT mattress represents the ideal solution for total body treatment in one session, thanks to the easy-to-use mode and extreme flexibility.

Product features :

  • Extremely light and easy to transport.
  • More comfortable thanks to its 8 ultra-thin internal solenoids.
  • 4 active sectors for a real treatment of the whole body
  • Compatible with LaMagneto line and Mag 2000 family devices
  • Dimensions: 160x65x2 cm
  • 2 connecting cables

The Osteomat configuration stimulates the areas of the body (shoulders, spine, pelvis) that are most affected by the reduction in bone mass. This is typical of the pathology of osteoporosis.

What is it for?

The OSTEOMAT 2000 mat is used for low-frequency magnetotherapy treatment and is born from the need to treat several parts of the body simultaneously for long periods of time.

Why a mat?

  • For night treatment.
  • For long treatments.
  • For whole body treatments.

Who is it recommended for?

OSTEOMAT 2000 is recommended for long-term treatments such as osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia, and to treat large areas (hips, both legs or back).

It is also especially advisable in treatments for patients with limited movement, even immobilized patients.

What advantages does it have?

The OSTEOMAT 2000 allows treating several areas of the body at the same time thanks to its dimensions. In addition, it is a medical team with CE0476 registration, essential for health treatments that allow us a chance of success.

Osteomat measurements: 160cm x 65 cm. Each sector has a different measure, that is: 45cm, 46cm, 35cm, 34cm


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Questions (2)


Buongiorno vorrei delle informazioni. Ho subito un incidente procurandomi una frattura al bacino e alla zona pelvica.L'ortopedico mi ha consigliato un trattamento di magnetoterapia con materassino. Ho letto che ci sono 2 livelli di frequenza...Quale è consigliato? Come va posizionato nel letto?In attesa di una vs.rispostain merito cordiali saluti Mauro Grotti

Store response | 18/04/2023

Ciao, questo è un accessorio che devi aggiungere al magnetotarpy, se ti piace adesso, ti contatteremo per spiegartelo in dettaglio. Ti auguro il meglio


La colchoneta puede adquirirse sola o ha que comprar otro dispositivo? Muchas gracias

Store response | 30/06/2021

Hola María Pilar, se puede adquirir sola. Un saludo.


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