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Orthotics and protections

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Orthotics and protections

Within the orthosis we find all those elements that correct some movement or some abnormal, deficient position of the body, and also facilitate movements, activities of joints and parts of the human body with deficiencies or difficulties.

They include splints, appliances, devices, technical objects, the use of which is indicated with patients in need of some help to move as a result of pain, deformation or deficiencies in joints, locomotor difficulties and similar pathologies.

  • The stabilizing orthosis keeps the treated body part immobilized, and is used in cases of paralysis or to reduce an inflamed part. These have greater side effects by generating muscle atrophy due to immobilization, so it is advisable to adhere well to the instructions of the specialist.
  • The functional orthosis, on the other hand, allows movement of the parts and limbs of the body treated by incorporating an elastic part. Among these is the lumbar orthosis, designed to treat deviations and lower back pain. Lumbar corsets and girdles are semi-rigid and are used both day and night and serve the purpose of reducing pain and deformities, as well as keeping the vertebrae immobilized.
  • The corrective orthosis is used to correct skeletal deformities and generally, they are used during childhood since their effectiveness is much greater during this period when bones, muscles and body are still changing, as they are developing.
  • Protective braces make it easy to align an injured body part. Among these, knee orthoses stand out, which are specifically dedicated to people with problems of external, internal, crossed ligaments, patellar syndromes, osteoarthritis and other degenerative diseases. They are also often used after surgery to speed up recovery.

There are four fundamental types of orthosis depending on the corrective function and the stiffness or not of each one: stabilizing orthosis, functional orthosis, corrective orthosis and protective orthosis. Its use is intended for different parts of the body.

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