Brand: Fiasmed
Reference: PR08A1
Internal vaginal electrode used for incontinence treatment. It is a product highly recommended by gynecologists and health professionals.
The Interlax Plus probe is for the personal use of each patient. Its specific and rounded hollow shape allows easy placement even in prolapse problems, and prevents it from moving or coming off during stimulation, making it a very comfortable probe to use. Similarly, it is easier to clean and store.
Being hollow, it is very light and allows an easier and very practical anchoring. In addition, its cables are integrated and prevent interference from disturbing the electromyographic measurement.
It includes an indicator in the form of an "antenna" that allows it to be used at home as an aid to correct if the exercises are done incorrectly.
Valid for all electrostimulators and Biofeedback that have a 2mm connection.
Me lo ha recomendado mi fisio para ejercitar suelo pélvico y es muy útil siempre desde luego usandolo bajo supervisión profesional
Lo utilizo en fisioterapia del suelo pélvico, recomendado por ginecólogos y fisioterapia.
Me llegó rápido a casa
Satisfecha con el producto. Recomendado por mi fisio para trabajar el suelo pélvico después del embarazo.
Muchas gracias Helene, encantados que haya sido lo que buscabas. Saludos.
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