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👨‍🦯 Crutches to aid mobility

Brand: Fiasmed

Reference: 4739

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Crutches is a product that facilitates ambulation for people who have had an accident or an injury that deprives them or makes it difficult for them to move around in their day-to-day life.


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Crutches (2)

This medical device has been manufactured based on the quality criteria set out in Royal Decree 1591/2009, transposition of the directive 93/42 / EEC on medical devices. It also complies with all the essential requirements that apply to it.

Features : -

  • Made of aluminum
  • Adjustable in height up to 1.90m.
  • 22 mm tube. in diameter and 1.5 mm. of thickness.
  • 18 micron silver anodized.
  • Polythene handle.

Height adjustment :

The height and length adjustment must be carried out by the corresponding technician, once the corresponding adjustments have been made by the technician, preserve them during the useful life of the product.

To do this, place the patient in a standing position and adjust the clan (pin) in the corresponding hole so that the arm / s for use of the cane are slightly flexed (no more than 15º) on the handle.

Utilization :

Despite the fact that the materials used in the design and manufacture of this product are hypoallergenic, it is possible that problems of hypersensitization to some of its components may arise (allergies, contact dermatitis, etc.). In the event that any of these symptoms appear, contact your doctor or the corresponding technician.

Use it in an upright position, not tilted.

Monitor the normal wear of the end piece and change it when necessary.

Washing and drying:

It is recommended to periodically wash the handle and the clamp with mild soap and warm water. Dry completely with a clean, dry cloth.


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