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Criogel Sport Cold Gel 1L EFICELL

Brand: Fiasmed

Reference: FIS1017

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Criogel SPORT is a recovery, toning and refreshing gel with a cold effect. Thanks to its effect, it helps to quickly relieve tired legs, poor circulation, muscle and joint problems. This gel with a cold effect is based on aloe vera extract.


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Criogel Sport Cold Gel 1L EFICELL

Criogel Sport gives a cold effect that helps to recover the muscles after an effort. Also thanks to its active effect based on aloe vera, it has a toning action with a refreshing effect. So it can be treated as cold therapy.
For tired legs it is an effective product. It can also be used in ultrasound therapy, mixed with the conductive cream.
It comes with a dispenser.

Comments (2)

| 05/03/2025 | Verified purchase
Criogel Sport Cold 1L

La compré, por una recomendación, para mis padres, que son mayores ya, con muchos dolores, y por primera vez les oigo decir que algo les quita o reduce el dolor.

| 22/06/2024 | Verified purchase
Criogel Sport Cold 1L

Después de estar todo el día danzando, me lo hecho por la noche antes de irme a dormir y me va muy bien, me relaja y me ayuda a conciliar el sueño.

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